Never Give up…Next Train could be yours

This occurred just earlier today.

We have recently shifted to the outskirts of the main city. Though our basic work remains in city, but due to unavoidable circumstances we had to move here.

I usually stay home but had to travel today for some work to main city. Luckily I got a lift with my elder sis in morning. While returning I was on my own. Travelling by road would have drilled a big hole in my pocket. Plus add to it the peak hour travelling woes, highway would be jammed packed, so my travelling bill would zoom up. With no job since last quite few months I had to be a budget person. And don’t wish to burden up my elders for my lavish expenses, I decided to resort to local trains.

Local trains during peak hours can be crazy. Add to it, the one going outskirts of city can be more pain. This was all adding up to my current situation. God save me!

5.32PM the first train I just landed up waving bye. It was horribly crowded not even a space to keep half a foot. Determined to take a train I walked up to another platform to try my luck. By the time I reached 5.42PM train headed out was filled over brim with humans. I waved it bye.

In background I was constantly harassing my angels. Get me an empty train. Please get me home safe and sound.

5.47PM was the next scheduled train. I was hoping this was for me. Suddenly out of blue 50+ females popped up out of nowhere to take that train. Crap I wouldn’t be able to make in this one as well.

The crowd kept on increasing. Should I just go back and wait for my sister to complete her work and leave along….should I just take a roadway transport and reach home.

I started my walk back towards stairs to travel via road instead.

And then I saw the train a bit in distance about to enter the station. Something in my head zoomed in “Stop and see possibly along with these 50+ females you could get in the train too”.

I decided to give it a try. Rushed back.

Train arrived….guess what it was half empty. Besides a bit struggle of constraint stop timing and crowd .. I got in safely.

Yipppeeee. A little quick dance in my head. I couldn’t dance in train of course.

Never give up….next train could be yours!!

As I headed back home from the station saw this wonderful serene sun setting in west getting ready to rise in another part of the world.




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